Prof. François Dessemontet
Professor François Dessemontet holds a PH.D. in law (Lausanne 1974)...
Full biographyProf. François Dessemontet
Professor François Dessemontet holds a PH.D. in law (Lausanne 1974). He has been admitted to the Bar in 1975 (Lausanne). He had prepared his doctorate thesis on the protection of industrial Know-how in Canada (McGill and University of Montreal) and Germany (Max-Planck-Institute, Munich). Prof. Dessemontet served as full time professor at Lausanne Law Faculty starting 1976, and permanent invited professor in Fribourg University since 1977, teaching law of corporations, law of contract, law of internet and intellectual property law for 30 years.
Prof. Dessemontet has served as Dean of the Faculty of Law of Lausanne University and has founded the Centre for Business Law (CEDIDAC) there. He has published 250 books and articles and presented approximately 300 conferences in 50 countries. His last books are "Intellectual Property in Switzerland" (Berne 2011) and "La propriété intellectuelle et les contrats de licence" (Lausanne 2011).
Now emeritus Prof. Dessemontet is active in international commercial arbitration, international business contracts and intellectual property, serving for example in the American Law Institute or the UNIDROIT, the Institute for the Unification of Law in Rome, as Observer in the Committee on the Principles of International Commercial Contracts (2004 and 2010).
Prof. Dessemontet is past president of the International Association of the Advancement of Research and Teaching in Intellectual Property and of the Swiss Society of Jurists. He is member of the Committee of the Swiss Arbitration Association. His experience in international arbitration is based on approximately 80 appointments to international arbitral tribunals, including some as counsel. He has served in more than 90 panels adjudicating domain names under the URDP.